A kiss, being pleasurable and fun, is also an important activity, especially to married couples and those that are in a relationship.

  • Often times, a kiss is deemed a perfect gesture when no amount of words could express one’s feelings. Kisses on specific body parts have different specific meanings. Moreover, expressing oneself can also be interpreted through different kissing styles.
  • A kiss may also be an act of respect rather than an endearment. For almost all married couples and people who are in relationships, kissing is something sensual similar to an act of foreplay. Moreover, it also gives a relationship that special spark. Whether it’s planted on the forehead, cheek, hand, or any other body part, it’s always a way of telling someone that the person feels affection towards the other.
  • Furthermore, a kiss is also an expression of gratefulness, celebration, or even grief.


  • Aside from the message that you want to convey in every passionate kiss, medical professionals have also pointed out that kissing can be beneficial to our health. A kiss can help give us a strong heart, while also helping to smooth our skin. In addition, kissing can also help us in relieving pain and avoiding infections. It is a great way to loosen up your muscles and relieve stress after a hard day’s work. It certainly has soothing effects to both the kisser and the one being kissed.
  • A kiss can spice up relationships despite the lack of words. It can even help you to maintain a healthy body. Certainly, kissing is one of the most powerful gestures ever known to man, or woman. Kissing Your Health Problems Goodbye

    It is true that a kiss is not just a kiss. Aside from the fun and sensual elements, it also brings multiple health benefits. A number of medical studies have validated that kissing can help lead the body to the path of wellness.

    So, what does smooching do for our bodies? Below are just a few of the many advantages:

• It can greatly reduce stress. – Passionately kissing the love of your life can boost your self-esteem, lower stress hormones, and give you inner peace. Kissing


produces an increase in the body’s production of a calming hormone called oxytocin.

  • It helps the body to burn calories. – Frequent kissers can now bid goodbye to food cutback and say hello to a kissing diet. Just like exercise, it helps you burn calories and lower your cholesterol level, resulting in a boost to your metabolism.
  • It keeps the cardiovascular system healthy. – Kissing helps your heart by pumping more blood. It also helps lower your blood pressure.
  • It acts as a pain reliever. – Whether it is a headache or a toothache, kissing helps relieve the pain due to the presence of an anesthetic in our saliva. Furthermore, kissing produces endorphins which are more powerful than morphine.
  • It can extend life expectancy. – Don’t leave home without a kiss. According to statistics, a goodbye kiss before going out of the house can increase your lifespan by five years.
  • It fights off infection. – Note that during kissing, salivating produces natural antibiotics that fight off infections. Medical studies have shown that people engaged in frequent kissing will have less exposure to stomach, bladder, and blood infections.


• It helps to smooth our skin. – Kissing helps exercise our facial muscles by keeping the facial skin tight and smooth, thereby preventing sagging cheeks and wrinkles.

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