Understanding your wife will help you solve a lot of problem in your marriage, most men are ignorant of the way women are wired and this has resulted into a lot of troubles that is currently drifting their marriage apart. understanding her will help you to celebrate and appreciate your differences instead of fighting over it, in fact understanding these basic facts about your woman means more sex in the long run.
Romance doesn’t come naturally to men but physical intimacy absolutely does. Men needs just a place to sleep with a woman but woman needs reasons, this is why there’s conflict of interest between couples when it comes to romance and love making. A lot of men are getting it wrong here. It is the duty of every man to meet the romantic needs of the wife. These are basic facts that men need to know about the women folks:
1. She will not desire sex just like you: because men and women are wired differently, she will not desire sex like you. This should not cause any problem that could result into bigger problem, but rather you should try and understand how to put her in the mood.
2. Testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive is about 20-40% higher in men, this explains why most time men naturally desires sex more than women, don’t blame it on the women blame it on the hormone.
3. Women are moved by what they hear and men what they see. she can be wowed by a sexy guy with six pack, but that will not make her get wet on a normal day, this is not the case with men, exposure to bare flesh can cause a lot of troubles. So when next you are in your short and she’s not drooling, don’t be surprised.
4. Women needs reasons to have sex, men need just a place. She’s not like you , and you have been wondering why she can just open her arms widely whenever you beckon in the night even when you have not spoken to her all evening. It doesn’t work that way, you need to appeal to her emotions before she can do it, she want to feel connected to you emotionally, sex to women is a serious business and not just a physical exercise, that is why its not the same when a man patronizes call girls.

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