Maybe its because we are Africans or maybe its our cultural influence that makes us raise our eyebrows to news like this.

The wife of a successful African-American man has written a book titled “Beyond Love” and in it, she reveals that the only way to keep a good black man is to allow him to have extra marital affairs with anyone he chooses as long as he’s open and honest about it”.

IMG_0051stAkia Brown, wife of BMB Entertainment CEO, Brian Maurice Brown, recently released her book and the content of the book has caused quite a stir among blacks who hold a different opinion on the image of the marriage institution.

Akia Brown says ““I want the readers to read the book with an open mind. “At the end of the day, everybody just wants to be loved, and when people love someone unconditionally and if you’re honest enough to say, ‘This is what’s happening.’ if they are open and honest enough, you have to be at least open to accepting it.”

Akia Brown“I really wrote the book for women’s empowerment and to let them know your past does not define the future,” Akia said. “We all go through things relationship wise, and you need to use them as stepping stones. The real purpose of the book is open communication and honesty.”

Akia says she doesnt mind her husband having other relationships with other females as long as he’s open and honest about hem. she however isnt going out with anyone because her husband is more than enough for her.


That’s rich, but which woman actually allows this? Maybe Akia Brown is just that “one of a kind” kind of woman. AWKARD AND WEIRD IF YOU ASK ME!!!

Okay, bringing this down to Naija here, what do we think about an open marriage?

If this is how she wants to operate her marriage, why go ahead to exchange vows?


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