The 63-year old woman, Margaret Davou, is said to be the oldest African woman to conceive and give birth through IVF.

Margaret shares her story with Vanguard, she says ;

I have been married for 38 years without a child but at 63 years, having looked for this baby for many years, God decided to answer my prayer, I am very happy having her. I give all glory to God because He is the one who did it.

The next paragraph is what got to me. The story of a queen is incomplete without the actions of a king. This is why emphasis cannot be placed enough on marrying the right person, marrying the right person assures you that through thick and thin, that individual will stick with you. In the true sense of it, some of the battles of life cannot be won if we do not have the right partner, because this individuals either fight with you, abandon you or cause the battle. CHOOSE RIGHT.

My husband and I have been praying, trusting God, and I have gone through many types of operations, all in the quest to get pregnant and at last, I thank God that He did not disappoint us, God helped my husband and I because we did not stop trusting Him”.

It is a pity that some families get into a lot of problems because of childlessness but I appeal to husbands to be patient. I thank God for my husband because he has the fear of God. Throughout the period of waiting, he did not threaten me, he did not give me ultimatum, and he was not talking about another wife but was always supporting me. 

Speaking on Margaret’s conception and childbirth, the Medical Director, GynaeVille Specialist Hospital, Dr. Kenneth Egwuda, also said;

“She visited us with a desire to achieve conception, her age was 62 at that time so we started the treatment. Initially the age was not very striking to me, maybe it was an oversight because physically, she looked very strong for her age and was okay, she did not have any metabolic disease or any ageing illness apart from the hypertension which also affects any other person either young or old.

“When we did investigations, we discovered that she was fairly in a good health condition to attempt this modality of treatment. She’s been married for 38 years without an issue, not even a miscarriage, she has had a lot of surgeries all in an attempt to improve her lot of getting pregnant but to no avail, and she has had tubal and fibroid surgeries.

She has had this IVF procedure, three other times in different hospitals before coming to us. Two were done Abuja and one in Markudi, this is the fourth time. While I was working and training in London, we had this debate about the age of people who should be permitted  to have this treatment and the debate cut-off was 50, 52 years because at that age, you are supposed to look at a woman with great caution. Although it is not a standard across the globe.

So we commenced the treatment for this woman and the only attempt she had with us, she was favored by God and she was conceived a few months later through assisted reproduction technology. IVF is a game of chance, there is no guarantee that you will get pregnant whenever you have it but of course, the quality of care you have in a place improves your chance of being pregnant.


What then shall we say….CONGRATULATIONS!


Culled from Vanguard Nigeria


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