Intimacy Clinic Magazine

IN Magazine
Intimacy Clinic magazine, simply known as IN MAGAZINE is a quarterly magazine focused on relationship, sex, and marriage. IN Magazine provides information and inspiration on how to build a lasting relationship, establish a stable home, enjoy beautiful sex life in marriage, fashion, live a healthy lifestyle, and how to be an all-around success.
It is aimed at speaking and connecting to relationships and marriages the way no other publication ever has. It is also meant to help individuals understand the principles of having a lasting relationship and marriage, also to make sex an enjoyable act and live a beautiful life among others.
We target the single, married, middle class to high net worth population; these are people who are enticed by the relationship and marriage trends which is the major focus of the Magazine. IS Magazine readers are primarily those in relationships getting ready to marry, young couples, couples that have been married for years, students, event planners, media practitioners, and brand consultants.
With “IN,” we have the opportunity to improve society. To speak and connect to relationships and marriages the way no other publication ever has. The idea is To help individuals understand the principles of having a lasting relationship and marriage, work on theirs instead of dying in silence or engaging in pretense.

IS Magazine
Intimate solution magazine simply known as IS MAGAZINE is a quarterly magazine focused on relationship, sex and marriage. IS Magazine provides information and inspiration on how to build a lasting relationship, establish a stable home, enjoy beautiful sex life in marriage, fashion, live a healthy lifestyle and how to be an all-round success.
It is aimed at speaking and connecting to relationships and marriages the way no other publication ever has. It is also meant to help individuals understand the principles of having a lasting relationship and marriage, also to make sex an enjoyable act and live a beautiful life among others.
We target the single, married, middle class to high net worth population; these are people who are enticed by the relationship and marriage trends which is the major focus of the Magazine. IS Magazine readers are primarily those in relationship getting ready to marry, young couples, couples that have been married for years, students, event planners, media practitioners and brand consultants.
With “IS,” we have the opportunity to improve society. To speak and connect to relationships and marriages the way no other publication ever has. The idea is To help individuals understand the principles of having a lasting relationship and marriage, work on theirs instead of dying in silence or engaging in pretense.
Be a Columnist
Are you a brilliant writer with a difference? Do you specialize in any area of human well-being and will like to reach out to the world? Use our worldwide platform"IS" to showcase your skills and become a columnist.
Personality Interview
Are you are a trail blazer, game changer or an impactful individual? Share your unique life story so others could learn from it and benefit from your experience and wealth of knowledge. Do you know anybody who is making an impact in your neighborhood? Give us his/her details and we will feature them in our next edition.

Why Advertise With IS?
Advertising in magazines is still one of the most effective ways of building brands at the right time. They engage millions of people and small groups on a regular basis, deliver ROI, generate large amounts of brand awareness and significantly increase sales.
Buying ad space with us means access to our readers for a full quarter, 3 months of uninterrupted exposure on all distribution platforms across the country. We believe that your brand can be introduced to the middle class and high net worth demographic of the country through IS Magazine. IS Magazine is a collectable, so your advert will live on for many years as the readers refer constantly to the magazine.
Readers develop trusted relationships with magazines through their content and inspire conversations amongst friends, family and social groups.
Some reasons why you should advertise in IS MAGAZINE
- Magazines and magazine ads capture focused attention: The focused process of magazine reading leads to less media multi-tasking, ensuring single-minded attention to advertising.
- Magazine advertising is targeted: Magazines engage readers in very personal ways. There’s a magazine for every passion and a passion for every magazine. Use magazines to reach your target audience in a meaningful way — a way in which Specialty TV just can’t compare. Plus magazine readers reach the affluent, those with disposable income to buy advertised brands.
- Magazine advertising is relevant and welcomed: Consumers value magazine advertising, reading it almost as much as the editorial itself. The ads are accepted as an essential part of the magazine mix.
Magazines are credible: Consumers trust magazines so much that they are the leading sources of information that readers recommend by word-of-mouth to others. - Magazines offer a lasting message: Ads keep working 24/7. They provide a lasting, durable message with time to study a brand’s benefits. Consumers clip and save magazine ads for future reference.
- Magazines deliver brand relevant imagery: Magazine editorial imbues ads with brand relevant imagery, associations and a frame of reference that delivers greater reader receptivity to brand ads.
- Magazine advertising drives web searches and visits: Magazines are where consumers go for ideas and inspiration. That’s why magazine ads are leading influencers, driving readers to advertiser websites and to start a search.
- Magazines drive the purchase funnel: Magazines are effective across all stages of the purchase funnel, especially brand favourability and purchase consideration, the most sought after metrics that are hardest to sway.
- Magazine advertising enhances ROI: Allocating more ad naira to magazines in the media mix improves marketing and advertising ROI.
- Magazines sell: Study after study proves that magazines help drive sales objectives, as a stand-alone medium or in combination with others.